Serafin Escutia


Serafin Escutia is a proud member of Sonoma CAN, an agency that continues to make a positive impact in the lives of children and their families. He has grown up in a large family of ten children, including 8 brothers and 2 sisters. Family gatherings are special occasions for Serafin, as he gets to see multiple generations of children all at once, representing one big family. He is extremely proud of his mother, who brought him to Santa Rosa when he was fourteen years old, and he now considers this home. Despite facing many challenges, he graduated from Santa Rosa High School and Sonoma State University with a BA in Education and Mexican American Studies.

During his working life, Serafin has worked in various fields, including the private sector, picking grapes, teaching in a classroom, running his own business, and holding different positions in various manufacturing companies. He has always enjoyed working with people from different backgrounds and being able to make a difference in their lives. Currently, he is the Health Services and ERSEA Manager in the Head Start program, a position that he takes great pride in. A recent accomplishment with the office of Head Start was that during their last FA2 review, there were no findings in the Health Services and ERSEA areas, which made Serafin extremely proud of his team.

When Serafin is not at work, he loves spending time with his four grandchildren, who are 8, 6, 4, and 2 years old. They are beautiful little creatures who bring lots of joy and meaning to his life. Serafin loves taking them to the park, the zoo, the beach, and they especially love being silly and telling their own make-believe stories. Overall, Serafin is a very happy person who enjoys serving other people with dignity and respect.